Sick & Shut In Missions
Outreach Mission

Our Outreach Mission is to help those who have no place to call their own or no place where their child or children can feel part of. We offer a referral to men who are homeless and a referral to women with or without children. Contact The World’s Greatest Church and ask Mrs. Mae Richardson for more details concerning our referral offer.

How You Can Help?
You Can Do This

As the pastor’s Aid Servant and Hospitality Department. You can share this information with others that are willing to donate or help in anyway that they can. Caring does not necessarily mean that you must be in the same place. We as the body of Christ the Saints of the most High are connected to him through the Word of God.

Or You Can Do This

Invite your youth to get involved in giving to those that are in need of help. Teach them that giving is a part of being a Christian. God was the first one that gave to the world when he gave his only begotten Son. And second giving came when his Son gave his life. The more we give in return the more the Lord will give back to us. So, let us start giving unto others today.